East End Hi-Fi is excited about our new partnership with Zesto Audio a premier manufacturer of Hi-End electronics. Zesto’s founder and President, George Counnas said, “I’ve loved music all my life – as a musician, record producer and audio engineer. That makes me fussy about sound. That’s a good thing.” His background in electronics started “as a young man in England, I designed vacuum tube circuits. I worked for DECCA Navigator — at the time Britain’s largest electronics company — as part of a research and development team designing airborne navigational systems for the Royal Air Force. So I have many years of experience designing, creating and bringing to market high-end electronic equipment. The difference here is that no one’s life is at stake.”

Zesto Leto 1.5 Tube Preamplifier
‘The Leto is a powerful sounding, highly detailed, fantastically quiet, and superbly musical masterpiece that will complement the finest systems’ – Positive Feedback
“The Zesto Audio Leto 1.5 Tube Preamplifier bests the 1.0 in features and in every parameter I can think of. It hosts improvements in the highs, mids, and bass and makes the music live in your high-end system. Plus, it is not more expensive, just improved and perfected! It even sports an excellent headphone output jack on the front panel for added pleasure. The 1.5 is a real keeper in my book and worthy of any system no matter how expensive… Most highly recommended.”
– Robert H. Levi, PositiveFeedback.com
2014 Stereophile Recommended Component
“The Zesto Leto Tube Preamplifier and Quad 909 amp share similar characteristics of being unusually free from electromechanical artifacts and having vivid and engaging midranges, a full bottom end, and completely natural top ends. Their presentations also have an unusually high degree of body and dimensionality to them… It results in a musicality and impression of realism is at once valid and authoritative yet without ever stepping outside the boundaries of sonic neutrality.”
– Paul Seydor, The Absolute Sound, Feb., 2013
“Zesto was debuting their new Leto tubed line preamplifier ($7500, top), which, like the Andros phono stage (bottom), is made in the USA. The performance of Mahler’s Symphony 1, with the Boston Philharmonic on a typically bright-sounding DG LP, had me sitting for the entire first movement, so low was the noise floor and so high the dynamic range”
– John Atkinson, Stereophile, reporting on Newport 2012 show
“George and Carolyn Counnas of Zesto Audio were on hand and showing off something new — the Leto, their nifty $7,500 tubed preamp. If I were able to make something this pretty — and have it sound this good — I’d be pleased, too. The aesthetic should be familiar to show-goers as it follows the elegant, flowing lines of their $3,900 Andros PS1 phono stage, a unit that suddenly seems to be just about everywhere. I stayed for half an hour. And came back. Three times. I loved this room. LOVED it. The sound was rich and big and grand and totally inviting. Detail? Check. Immediacy? Check. Room filling? Check. Made me want to hang out all day? Checkcheckcheck!”
– Partimeaudiophile.com
Zesto Andros PS-1.2 Phono Preamplifier
“No analog devotee will not enjoy listening to the Zesto Andros PS-1.2 Phono Preamplifier. It had an addictive sound that combined the 12AX7 tube’s well known golden glow warmth with uncommon extension at the extremes of the audio band… I highly recommend the Zesto Andros PS1. It’s among the more enjoyable and satisfying phono preamplifiers I’ve auditioned at any price”
– Michael Fremer, Stereophile, March 2013
“The new Zesto Andros PS-1.2 Phono Preamplifier clobbers the original, and may just be the best piece of audio gear designed by George Counnas to date. Combine trend setting flexibility, head turning design, glorious performance, and super competitive pricing and you will understand the impact of this beauty in my reference system. If you are searching for a top performing phono stage, consider the Andros 1.2. It will open a window to the glories of high-end, high-definition sound without your having to take on a second mortgage. My highest recommendation!”
– Robert H. Levi, Positive Feedback, April, 2015 (read the review)
Robert Harley in 2012 CES show report stated the Zesto room (at 2012 T.H.E. Show at The Flamingo) exhibited “a rare epiphany in which the system so totally disappears that the music seems to just exist independently of the hardware. The system, put together by Zesto, Lindemann, and retailer Audio Revelation, was absolutely jaw-dropping in its presence and realism.” Robert also awarded this room one of his “Best Sound” awards.