KR Audio 300B Vacuum Tubes – Matched Pair
KR Audio 300B tubes are some of the best sounding , most reliable tubes available today: “Incidentally, in our personal pantheon of 300Bs so far, we like the KRs best. They’re followed by the VAIC now working under a different brand name [EAT I believe, at $400/ea., see right – Ed.] and then JJ, the latter being the cheapest. Some like the mesh-plate Sophias/FullMusic bottles. We think they are are a little lean-sounding but they do certainly look very sexy with their glowing innards. We tend to avoid mesh plates, however, and believe that a good solid plate does better based on what we’ve heard thus far.”
KR Audio 300B tubes are some of the best sounding , most reliable tubes available today:
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