ACCUPHASE C-2300 line preamplifier
→ REVIEW: № 234 ⸜ October 16th 2023, see → HERE «PL» come on you While in the case of the C-2300, every aspect of the sound has been taken care of individually, the goal was a certain end result, a whole that makes you focus on the music rather than analyzing the sound, although if the quality of the latter leaves a bit to be desired you will still recognize it. Only that with this preamplifier you will always be able to correct many issues, at least to some extent thus enhancing the musical experience.
East End Hi-Fi has mostly been a “tube house” over the last 20+ years. The only solid state equipment we have carried has been Pass Labs. The beauty of the Accuphase C-2300 is that it sounds like the finest tube equipment available except with better tightness and extension in the lower frequencies. it has all of the sound of tubes without the hassle!